Peace Welcome to our Healing Art /Health shop
Peace Welcome to our Healing Art /Health shop
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Showing you the custom art designs up close, let's spend more energy building and enjoying our time with family, back to the basics. Peace and Blessings. Love and Light.
Hello, I want to tell you about our brand. This brand is a family-owned business that offers holistic health remedies, clothing, jewelry, and art. KNOW THYSELF DESIGNS LLC was created for individuals inspired to share positivity and light in the world; with creativity and art. We make each piece with love and care. We share the knowledge that we are Moorish Americans and want to bring our culture out front and bring the understanding of knowing ourselves. M.S.T.A. is my Rock of salvation and gave me the tools to build a stronger foundation. Each piece is specially made with love by my healing energy worked and molded into classic art. Every design of each art piece is different, never duplicated, even if they all look the same. This is the uniqueness of my creations. I bring the energy of our ancient culture working with the earth and using herbal remedies that help the body's system overall health to get to the root of the problem and not just put a bandaid on it. Not to mention, I am earth; this is my service and social duty to myself the family, and the umma. I will continue to elevate and bring you, Moor. Now, I present my brand and look forward to servicing you.
Business Number: 1- 513-909-9777
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